Tuesday, July 6, 2004


This AOL journal is  PIECE OF SHIT. You hear that AOL? PIECE. OF. SHIT.

I just typed an entry, and, similar to a few weeks ago, lost it when clicking save. So HERE we go again.

When I was in high school, I decided, arbitrarily, to pick a "Favorite Person of the Week" during homeroom on Mondays. This title carried absolutely no significance or benefits. Nonetheless, people used to vie for the position. I am not kidding. And get irritated with the "winner" if they weren't picked. At the time, this seemed very normal. Looking back, I wonder - not what *I* was thinking, but what were these contenders thinking? I mean, seriously.

Anyhow, in light of this remembrance, I have decided to publicly acknowledge the individuals who have and continue to, on a daily basis, make my existence in the shithole state tolerable. Without you, I'd have run back east long ago.

So thank you, thank you, thank you Annie, Caitlin, Tracy, Suzanne, Dawn, Ozan, Bri, Jeanie, and Debbie. The only people out here I know for SURE give a shit about me. Without you, I'd be lost. Well, more lost than I already am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i used to rank my friends in a 10 slot list, and people would get angry at each other for being outranked.
also, you can kiss my ass for your final comment.