Wednesday, July 21, 2004

yet more of the driving weirdness in WA.

Okay, so many of you know about the weirdness on cars out here. The Calvin pissing stickers. The "My Heart Belongs to My Johny Depp" license plate frame. The "RIP So-and-So" memorials on people's rear windshields.

Today there was an SUV in front of me. The license plate was REDMNMS. I pondered that briefly before noticing the license plate frame, which read: DIET COKE AND M&Ms - THE BREAKFAST OF REDHEADS.

Please explain this to me. What makes it even weirder is that SEVERAL times, I have seen the following license plate frame: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A REDHEAD. Why why WHY are people so PROUD of being redheads out here? Very. Fucking. Random.

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