Wednesday, February 16, 2005

tormenting boys online since the early 90s, part 2

Lovecat713:  we're all entitled to draw our own conclusions and make our own observations. ShowinWhenGrowin:  I originally found you to discuss 80's things, and YOU turned this into a penis thing, NOT mer
ShowinWhenGrowin:  me
Lovecat713:  you asked me what my sn meant. i asked you what yours meant. i then MERELY asked if your online identity really just revolved around your penis. yes or no would have been an acceptable answer.
ShowinWhenGrowin:  I said no
ShowinWhenGrowin:  not really
ShowinWhenGrowin:  and you went on and on and on like you were TRULY interested, yet tried to put it back on me when YOU could have EASILY dropped it
Lovecat713:  no, you told me you "weren't one to brag about" it, then accused me of having some sort of hang up with it. look back and see.
ShowinWhenGrowin:  wow, I can't believe it is STILL YOUR topic
ShowinWhenGrowin:  NOT mine
Lovecat713:  is it? it doesn't seem to me you've yet dropped it.
ShowinWhenGrowin:  lol
ShowinWhenGrowin:  you are a trip
Lovecat713:  i try.
ShowinWhenGrowin:  you are what we call in the business as a DEFLECTOR
ShowinWhenGrowin:  usually one who lacks accoutability
Lovecat713:  what business is that?
ShowinWhenGrowin:  see, there you go again
ShowinWhenGrowin:  sticking your nose in...Good bye
Lovecat713:  good bye, sir!
ShowinWhenGrowin:  later
ShowinWhenGrowin:  you can have some other fool to chat with
Lovecat713:  cause this fool is done?
ShowinWhenGrowin:  are you?
ShowinWhenGrowin:  good bye
Lovecat713:  tata!

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