Friday, September 17, 2004

poor frankenpiggle

Well, everybody keeps asking, so...

Piglet started out with a little bleeding cut on the back of his neck. I cut the hair away from it, cleaned it, and put Neosporin on it, and it seemed to be healing fine.

That was apparently the problem, however - as it healed, it itched. And as it itched, he scratched. And scratched. And scratched. And pretty soon, this tiny little cut had developed into a hole the size of a nickel that was infected and smelled like HELL.

We took him to the vet and they said they could just clean it up and let it heal on its own, but that could take a long time and be pretty rough on him. The other option was putting him under, cutting out the infection, and sewing it up. We decided to go that way.

Last night he was SUPER affectionate and his reflexes and balance were awful. He's supposed to wear one of those cone things when we're not home so that he doesn't scratch the stitches out, and when he has the cone on he is literally the most pitiful creature in the world. The stitches have kind of scabbed over as of today, and currently he is in my lap with his head buried in my armpit.

So that is the story of Frankenpiggle. I hope none of his Pigletty Goodness leaked out during the procedure.

PS - Piglet asks that all get well presents are made in the form of cash or checks, payable to his loving mother, me. Thanks for respecting his wishes.

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