Thursday, October 7, 2004


my eyeballs are fine. thank you to those of you who have asked, and fuck you to those who haven't.

julian took me and was ultra supportive and wonderful. they gave me a valium and a demerol. then the woman put some drops in my eyes and said, "um, you seem a little jumpy. can i give you another valium?" i said. "hell yeah, nursey! dope me up!" so then like ten minutes later, before ANY of the drugs had kicked in, i went into surgery.

they put this clamp thing on my right eyelid, which sounds like it would hurt, but it didn't. then they used this horrible thing, i don't know what the HELL it was, to vibrate my eyeball and keep it still. that took like ten seconds. then they used a scalpel to cut a flap. then they used a laser to burn away the excess tissue, which smelled like HELLLLL. they they removed the clamp and did the same thing on the other eye. the whole thing took about five minutes. then i got to leave. by the time we got to the car, the drugs were finally working, and i was dizzy and stumbly and mumbly and affectionate. julian took me home and felt badly for leaving me, but had to go back to work. i fell asleep almost immediately. i had to wake up every half an hour to put in drops, but i was so doped up that i'd then fall IMMEDIATELY back asleep. i slept most of yesterday and the whole night.

by this morning, my left eye was KILLING me, the way it feels if you get an eyelash caught under your contact lens. i went in for my follow up, and they told me it was just some swelling, a little more than typical, but not abnormal. they gave me some heavier duty steroid drops for my eyes, and i went back home, called my boss to tell him i might be late, and went immediately back to sleep.

so now my eyes are kinda dry and irritable, but not painful anymore. i am continuing with the antibiotic and steroid drops and the artificial tears. and i can see as clearly as i can with contacts (other than the dry-eye blurriness).


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