okay, i really like cheese. a lot. conversation between gretchen and i on msn:
kate says:
i don't know why i did it... to be fair, i was unwrapping cheese at the same time.gretchen says:
you have a cheese problem.
my friend david's response to gretchen's observation:
WingerMDW74: i was gonna say something, but i felt that was a family issue.
WingerMDW74: i mean, you're eating OTHER cheeses now.
WingerMDW74: you're no longer just stopping at one.
Lovecat713: i truly love cheese.
Lovecat713: no one can take that away from me.
WingerMDW74: hmmmm.
WingerMDW74: time for the intervention.
WingerMDW74: where we go around the room and each say how your cheese problem has affected us.
Lovecat713: how has it affected you?
WingerMDW74: i don't know yet. fortunately i'll have a few days at least to come up with something.
Lovecat713: i'm back to the comte now.
WingerMDW74: either that, or i'll just take what someone else says and rephrase it.
Lovecat713: no way. this is my intervention, and you're going FIRST.
WingerMDW74: wait a minute! you don't get to run the intervention!
WingerMDW74: that's not how it works!
WingerMDW74: okay. but you're not in charge of snacks.
WingerMDW74: god forbid there be a cheese plate that undermines the whole thing.
Lovecat713: cheese for one, cheese for all!
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