What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
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i am not, thank you. but you should click the link below and find out where you stand. FYI - i scored 121.
i do, however, want to thank the following individuals for making my life LESS hellacious: scott, annie, julian, dane, bri, molly, dawn, and tamra. you guys are the best. seriously.
THEN, finally, it must have been love by roxette. hell yeah!
WingerMDW74: woohoo!
Lovecat713: heck yeah!
WingerMDW74: too bad they aren't showing the song they did for the super mario bros. movie.
Lovecat713: she's kinda hot.
Lovecat713: in an 80s way.
WingerMDW74: well, it WAS 1990, after all.
WingerMDW74: so what was the deal with them, anyway?
WingerMDW74: are they like married? or brother and sister?
Lovecat713: i haven't ANY idea.
Lovecat713: they had different names.
WingerMDW74: i should long onto the artist info page on vh1classic.com and find out.
WingerMDW74: maybe it's a white stripes kind of thing.
Lovecat713: or you could go to allmusic.com, that's my pick.
then we got some commercials.
Lovecat713: is this..... a video?
WingerMDW74: no!
Lovecat713: no, british airways commerical. close!
WingerMDW74: they have barely any ads. but they still have SOME. weird.
WingerMDW74: i've got that peter gabriel dvd!
then, weirdly, a peter gabriel video - shock the monkey.
Lovecat713: YEAH!
WingerMDW74: hey, it's peter gabriel!
Lovecat713: peter gabriel videos are ALWAYS weird and trippy!
Lovecat713: there better not be any monkey abuse in this one, however.
WingerMDW74: that's why i bought the dvd!
WingerMDW74: i don't think so.
Lovecat713: if there's monkey abuse, i'm protesting.
WingerMDW74: i think that's just the name of the song.
Lovecat713: what does it mean?
Lovecat713: there IS a monkey featured in the video.
Lovecat713: so it's not THAT far fetched.
Lovecat713: ....and a midget.
WingerMDW74: that's prolly just cause the label insisted there be a monkey in the video somewhere.
Lovecat713: NUMEROUS midgets!
WingerMDW74: all early 80s videos had midgets!
Lovecat713: i seem to recall a midget in burning down the house.
Lovecat713: please make the connection, vh1, and give us some talking heads!
next up, sweet dreams are made of this by the eurythmics.
WingerMDW74: close enough!
Lovecat713: man, why is this song so popular? i actually remember this video from when it first came out.
WingerMDW74: so do i!
WingerMDW74: i think it's because some of them want to use you, and some of them want to be used by you.
WingerMDW74: i've also got a dvd of eurythmics videos.
Lovecat713: damn boy.
Lovecat713: all i have is mozzer and the cure, i think.
WingerMDW74: i like the random horse in this video.
Lovecat713: she looks mildly amused at the thought of being abused.
Lovecat713: david, honey.
Lovecat713: that's a cow.
Lovecat713: moo.
WingerMDW74: wait... what?
WingerMDW74: are you sure?
WingerMDW74: ok, THOSE are cows.
Lovecat713: fairly sure.
Lovecat713: the thing walking around the conference table was a cow, too.
WingerMDW74: hey, it's late and i'm tired.
WingerMDW74: are you SURE?
Lovecat713: yes.
Lovecat713: it was black and white.
WingerMDW74: i'm gonna have to check the dvd.
Lovecat713: and made of leather.
WingerMDW74: except i won't.
Lovecat713: wow she has beautiful eyes.
WingerMDW74: maybe it was just WEARING leather.
WingerMDW74: i won't, cause i already remember that i am, in fact, wrong.
then we were greeted by the youthful face of anthony michael hall! weird science by oingo boingo. at the end, the lead singer from oingo boingo leaves the lab holding hands with kelly lebrock. well, more accurately, he is reaching for her hand and she appears to be completely oblivious. the song ends, and he is outside, standing over a kid who is drawing on the sidewalk in chalk. the child speaks, and they zoom in on the singer's hand - he is clutching the hand of a barbie doll. d'oh! kelly lebrock was only real inside the lab! anyhow:
Lovecat713: weird science!
WingerMDW74: YES!
WingerMDW74: i love oingo boingo!
Lovecat713: do you think they wrote this song for the movie?
Lovecat713: or they wrote this song and then the movie wanted to use it?
WingerMDW74: i think it was written for the movie.
Lovecat713: probably.
Lovecat713: oh god that cowgirl is frightening.
WingerMDW74: i thought it was a horsegirl!
Lovecat713: they ride horses, but they wrangle cows!
Lovecat713: man, he showed THAT barbie doll!
WingerMDW74: look at those special effects!
WingerMDW74: i feel like i'm in tron!
Lovecat713: OOOH!
Lovecat713: that was the best.
Lovecat713: WHAT??
Lovecat713: WHAT???
Lovecat713: tell me what just happened there.
WingerMDW74: you mean, with danny elfman and the little kid?
Lovecat713: "wawa?"
Lovecat713: is that what that kid said?
WingerMDW74: i think he said 'grow up'.
Lovecat713: that makes SO much more sense.
Lovecat713: though i DISTINCTLY heard wawa.
WingerMDW74: does that make up for the cow thing any?
Lovecat713: yes!
WingerMDW74: thank god.
then vh1 classic rock came on. and i decided to try to sleep.
WingerMDW74: oh, HERE we go!
Lovecat713: oh HELL yeah.
WingerMDW74: debbie gibson was ALWAYS better than that cheap tramp tiffany.
Lovecat713: much more wholesome.
Lovecat713: and she had that hat.
WingerMDW74: i was just gonna say that!
WingerMDW74: AND she actually wrote all her own songs!
WingerMDW74: granted, they aren't good, but what was she? 15?
Lovecat713: she got a nose job you know.
Lovecat713: and she goes by DEBORAH now.
WingerMDW74: no! she didn't have the jennifer grey done, did she?
WingerMDW74: she'll always be debbie to me.
WingerMDW74: if i had a cigarette lighter i'd be breakin it out right now.
WingerMDW74: what's the deal with this guy, anyway? what's he so ticked off about?
we then got twilight zone by swingout sister. really poor choice, vh1 classic.
Lovecat713: whooaaaaa
Lovecat713: this is majorly 80s.
WingerMDW74: swing out sister actually has a greatest hits cd.
Lovecat713: wow. i didn't even know they had *A* hit.
WingerMDW74: there was that one song, breakout.
WingerMDW74: that was pretty much it.
Lovecat713: ohhh yes. sucked.
WingerMDW74: this isn't better.
WingerMDW74: i'm pretty sure huey lewis and the news filmed a video at that same pool.
Lovecat713: this is really awful.
Lovecat713: what is she, the karate kid?
WingerMDW74: well, i think i did see her waxing on.
Lovecat713: that hair combined with that suit makes her look as though she has a gigantic body and a tiny head.
Lovecat713: wow. really awful.
next up, a video called stop by someone named sam brown. virtually not worth mentioning.
Lovecat713: awright, sam brown! this is what i'm talking about!
Lovecat713: man, what the fuck. too slow! next!
WingerMDW74: hehehe. six videos in, and the only one i even remote recognize is debbie gibson.
Lovecat713: oh yeah, cause you missed mercedes boy.
WingerMDW74: yes. and who knows what they showed before THAT.
WingerMDW74: i need to check the listings for when their 'alternative' show comes on.
Lovecat713: i saw the other night....
Lovecat713: but then it was likebetween those hours and some other crap was on.
Lovecat713: it was weird.
Lovecat713: they had an ad for it.
Lovecat713: during the time slot.
Lovecat713: whilst something else was on
note: i'd have made this all one entry, but apparently our wittiness was WAY too much for AOL, and had to be divided.
first video. mercedes boy. pebbles. absolutely awful. pebbles is looking sexy and singing while some uber gay looking guy is dancing on a street corner. apparently for a ride in her mercedes, he is going to dance, badly. and it works, because at the end, she picks him up.
Lovecat713: i am now watching what is possibly one of the worst videos i have ever seen on vh1 classic.
WingerMDW74: hehehe. which one?
Lovecat713: mercedes boy by pebbles.
WingerMDW74: c'mon! don't you wanna ride in my mercedes boy? tell me what you wanna do!
next up. gas face by 3rd bass. the song is bad, but the video is good in a painful, silly, 80s way.
Lovecat713: nowsome white rapper named 3rd bass.... with gilbert godfried, possibly THE most annoying man born in the last two hundred years, in the video.
WingerMDW74: yeah. what the hell IS this?
Lovecat713: oh, are you sharing with me?
Lovecat713: this is a winner.
WingerMDW74: once i heard pebbles was on, i HAD to turn over there!
WingerMDW74: i think he's lost some street cred with me.
Lovecat713: this song is evidently called gas face. at the beginning they sort of explained what a gas face was, but i couldn't understand them.
WingerMDW74: so mercedes boy is worse than THIS?
WingerMDW74: and what the heck did hammer do to THEM, anyway?
Lovecat713: mercedes boy was REALLY bad! have you ever seen it?
Lovecat713: maybe he hurt 'em.
WingerMDW74: i think. back in the 80s!
Lovecat713: heeeeeeeeeeee
WingerMDW74: i asked him nicely not to.
Lovecat713: i was about to say! we asked him, please don't.
we were then presented with a video, the name and artist of which both of us missed. it did feature an entire gymnasium of african-american teenage girls apparently competing in a jumprope competition. that was the ENTIRE video. you couldn't even see anyone singing or anything.
Lovecat713: what is this one? did you see?
WingerMDW74: ok, what the hell is THIS?
Lovecat713: HAHAHAHAHA
WingerMDW74: you know, i love how this channel pulls all these incredibly obscure videos from out of nowhere.
Lovecat713: was that malcolm mclaren?
WingerMDW74: but sometimes it's not so good.
Lovecat713: apparently he's a hgym teacher now.
WingerMDW74: well, you gots to pay the bills.
Lovecat713: trhat was totally sugar ray, wasn't it?
WingerMDW74: i can't tell. i'm too mezmerized by the jumping.
WingerMDW74: wait a minute, i think i saw a white guy!
Lovecat713: malcolm mclaren!
WingerMDW74: you're right!
Lovecat713: OH
Lovecat713: MY
Lovecat713: FUCKING
Lovecat713: GOD
WingerMDW74: hehehehehehehehe
Lovecat713: i only saw him briefly!
Lovecat713: and i was SO kidding!
Lovecat713: based solely on the hair!
WingerMDW74: you only THOUGHT you were kidding!
Lovecat713: i am laughing so hard!
Lovecat713: color me SO IMPRESSED WITH MYSELF!
WingerMDW74: you're just lucky someone was here to acknowledge it.
Lovecat713: I SO KNOW!
Lovecat713: i'm never having children.
Shs52051: why not?
Lovecat713: i don't want any.
Lovecat713: ever.
Shs52051: wow, that's disappointing
Shs52051: you'll just be a strange cat person the rest of your life
Lovecat713: thanks mom.
Lovecat713: always appreciate the support and words of encouragement.
Shs52051: then he has the nerve to act all elitist in the drugstore down in chichester last night
Shs52051: when he acts like a whigger
Lovecat713: okay, that term is not socially acceptable, ma, fyi.
Shs52051: i told him to finish school and go to college...oh i know the term is wrong but so is his attitude and he wears clothes like he just escaped from chester high
Shs52051: where he would get eaten ALIVE
Shs52051: little white boy
Lovecat713: HAHAHAHAHA
Lovecat713: red-haired white boy!
Shs52051: casper!
Shs52051: drew just came in and asked what i was doing and then left because i am occupying HIS "crib"
Lovecat713: these two soldiers of his, creech and musset, were supposed to go to this other girl soldier, mock's, house for some reason, to pick something up.
Lovecat713: and mock wasn't going to be there, so her husband told her to tell them if he wasn't there, to come in, make themselves comfortable, and he'd be back shortly.
Shs52051: you sound like you are talking about weasals or wolverines or somethin
Lovecat713: so they got there, no husband. they go in, get some beers from the fridge, sit down, and start watching tv.
Lovecat713: pretty soon, the owner comes home.... and it's not mock's husband. THEY WERE AT THE WRONG HOUSE.
Shs52051: man, they weren't in the wrong house were they?
Shs52051: OH NO!!!!!!!
Lovecat713: OH YES!!!!!!!
Lovecat713: and these are pretty rough guys!
Shs52051: like that commercial where the guy bashes the window of someone else's car
Lovecat713: scott said creech was probably already drunk!
Shs52051: jeez!
Lovecat713: they wer eluckily able to talk themselves out of it before guns or cops got involved.
Shs52051: what did the guy do? and why was HIS house open? do they leave things unlocked out there?
Shs52051: just buying new beer should have solved the prob
Lovecat713: they must have been in a nice neighborhood or something. i think the guy was like, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING IN MY LIVING ROOM DRINKING MY BEER?!?!"
Shs52051: i would ask the same thing...indignantly!!!
Shs52051: i love your snowman's mouth
Lovecat713: he's a happy guy.
Lovecat713: he loves you too.
Lovecat713: see - kiss.
Shs52051: he' seems to be a real mouth breather however
Lovecat713: you try breathing through a carrot.
Lovecat713: let me know how that works out for you.
Shs52051: heeeee
Lovecat713: HAHAHAHAHA
Shs52051: i have a code in my nodes!
today is starting off pretty shitty. i first got an e-mail that made me cry, and then in the middle of my shower, the water turned cold. nonetheless, here are a couple amusing anecdotes.
a few minutes ago, i answered the phone here at work and said, "law office of timothy williams." the woman on the other end said, "oui, bonjour, (and then some rapid fire french i didn't understand)." i was like, "uh, i'm sorry. i speak very little french..." tim was right behind me and YELLED, "THEY KEEP CALLING HERE!" and she said, "uh, okay," and hung up. it was classic.
then gretchen passed this gem on to me:
it's my birthday it's my birthday says:
so listen to this. it's my birthday it's my birthday says: