THEN, finally, it must have been love by roxette. hell yeah!
WingerMDW74: woohoo!
Lovecat713: heck yeah!
WingerMDW74: too bad they aren't showing the song they did for the super mario bros. movie.
Lovecat713: she's kinda hot.
Lovecat713: in an 80s way.
WingerMDW74: well, it WAS 1990, after all.
WingerMDW74: so what was the deal with them, anyway?
WingerMDW74: are they like married? or brother and sister?
Lovecat713: i haven't ANY idea.
Lovecat713: they had different names.
WingerMDW74: i should long onto the artist info page on and find out.
WingerMDW74: maybe it's a white stripes kind of thing.
Lovecat713: or you could go to, that's my pick.
then we got some commercials.
Lovecat713: is this..... a video?
WingerMDW74: no!
Lovecat713: no, british airways commerical. close!
WingerMDW74: they have barely any ads. but they still have SOME. weird.
WingerMDW74: i've got that peter gabriel dvd!
then, weirdly, a peter gabriel video - shock the monkey.
Lovecat713: YEAH!
WingerMDW74: hey, it's peter gabriel!
Lovecat713: peter gabriel videos are ALWAYS weird and trippy!
Lovecat713: there better not be any monkey abuse in this one, however.
WingerMDW74: that's why i bought the dvd!
WingerMDW74: i don't think so.
Lovecat713: if there's monkey abuse, i'm protesting.
WingerMDW74: i think that's just the name of the song.
Lovecat713: what does it mean?
Lovecat713: there IS a monkey featured in the video.
Lovecat713: so it's not THAT far fetched.
Lovecat713: ....and a midget.
WingerMDW74: that's prolly just cause the label insisted there be a monkey in the video somewhere.
Lovecat713: NUMEROUS midgets!
WingerMDW74: all early 80s videos had midgets!
Lovecat713: i seem to recall a midget in burning down the house.
Lovecat713: please make the connection, vh1, and give us some talking heads!
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